Watchman Nee The Spiritual Man I.pdf
After his conversion, Nee desired to be trained as a Christian worker. He first attended Dora Yu's Bible Institute in Shanghai, though he was still a high school student. However, he was dismissed due to his bad and lazy habits, such as sleeping in late. Eventually, Nee's seeking to improve his character brought him into close contact with a British missionary Margaret E. Barber who became his teacher and mentor.[12][13] Nee would visit Barber on a weekly basis in order to receive spiritual help. Barber treated Nee as a young learner and frequently administered strict discipline. When she died in 1930, Barber left all of her belongings to Nee, who wrote:
Watchman Nee The Spiritual Man I.pdf
Through Barber, Watchman Nee was introduced to the writings of D.M. Panton, Robert Govett, G.H. Pember, Jessie Penn-Lewis, T. Austin-Sparks, and others. In addition, he acquired books from Plymouth Brethren teachers like John Nelson Darby, William Kelly, and C.H. Mackintosh.[12] Eventually, his personal library encompassed over three thousand titles on church history, spiritual growth, and Bible commentary, and he became intimately familiar with the Bible through diligent study using many different methods. In the early days of his ministry, he is said to have spent one-third of his income on personal needs, one-third to assist others, and the remaining third on spiritual books. He was known for his ability to select, comprehend, discern, and memorize relevant material, and grasp and retain the main points of a book while reading.[14]
In addition to publishing his own books, other spiritual publications were translated from English and published under Watchman Nee's oversight. These included books by T. Austin-Sparks, Madame Guyon, Mary E. McDonough, Jessie Penn-Lewis, and others.[30]
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Here is a book that will help you to exercise your spirit on the basic lessons of practical Christian living. By faithfully and prayerfully going through these subjects, you will discover the secret to spiritual maturity. To get the best benefit, it is suggested that you take only one lesson a week. Listen to it, meditate on it, and pray over it till the Holy Spirit brings you into the truth. Thus, you will exercise your spirit over these 52 lessons in one year.
This is a complete presentation on the workings of the human spirit and soul and body. The book aims at delivering people from the tyranny of self-life with its carnality and from the domination of the passions and lusts of the flesh. It attempts to lead them to the full salvation of Christ. It is not to be taken as a manual but as a guide to true spirituality. It is recommended that this three-volume work be listened to quickly once. Then, lay it aside and wait until the Holy Spirit leads one into a certain stage of spiritual life when knowledge and understanding are needed. Turn, then to the special section of the book dealing with that particular experience for enlightenment. Thus, it will be realized that in Thy light, shall we see light (Ps. 36:9). May God use this book to help people in their journeying towards the spiritual. 041b061a72